Thursday, March 26, 2020

2020 April A-Z Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal: How to Homestead

   How to Homestead A-Z Theme Reveal 2020
It's been over 4 years since I've posted in my blog. In 2015 we were still starting out as homesteaders in our rented home but in 2016 we moved to our 5/8 acre homestead in an even more rural area.

I am back and so excited to be participating I another A-Z April Challenge! I have wanted to join in every year but something has always stopped me. This year I wont let anything stop me, not even a crashed Macbook. 
The Theme for my 2020 April A-Z Challenge is: How to Homestead. 

   It doesnt matter if you live in an apartment in the city or on a 100 acre ranch in the rural mountains. Anyone can homestead.  
 I will share in A-Z form my experiences with homesteading the past 7 years.
Trust me, if I can do it, so can you!