We gleaned our local fields this past fall for potatoes.
We got three big buckets full of white potatoes and they fed us for a month, as
well as serving as the potato dish for our Thanksgiving family dinner.
I didn’t
know that people still did these things. Of course I’d heard of gleaning in the tale
of Ruth, who was protected by Boaz when she came to glean the fields and was
judged for being from another land.
I found the Kern Valley Potato Gleaning Project on Facebook. Families, classes and organizations go out to glean for their own pantries and to donate a portion or all of what they collect to the local food dispensaries.

If you’d like to learn more or
would like to be put on the mailing list to learn about upcoming gleaming days,
please visit their Facebook community page at https://www.facebook.com/KRVPotatoGleaning/info?tab=page_info
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